How Women Rise

Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job

How Women Rise

To advance in your career, women must stop holding themselves back by addressing the unconscious habits that prevent them from stepping into leadership roles.

Success in leadership isn’t about being perfect or pleasing everyone. It’s about claiming your space, owning your achievements, and stepping into authority with confidence.

Women have the tools they need to rise, but must first let go of habits that hold them back.

Why It Matters

Even with advancements in equality, many professional women struggle with behaviors that, while well-intended, limit their career growth. Understanding and shifting these habits is essential for women aiming to break through professional barriers and reach higher levels of leadership.

  • Identify and eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors in the workplace.
  • Build confidence to own achievements and assert authority.
  • Learn how to balance the need for perfection with the ability to take risks.

Target Audience

  • Women in leadership roles or aspiring to leadership.
  • CEOs and senior executives interested in fostering diverse leadership.
  • HR leaders focusing on gender equity in their organization.

The Authors

Sally Helgesen is an expert in women’s leadership and has worked with top companies worldwide. Marshall Goldsmith is a bestselling author and executive coach known for helping high-level professionals improve their performance.